Dragonball Movie Synopsis

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Dragonball Movie Synopsis


Dragonball Movie Synopsis

Curse of the Richi Stones (Movie 1)

This is a retelling of how Son Goku began his adventures; from the first encounters with Bulma, Oolong, Puuaru, and Yamcha, up to his learning Kamehameha just by watching Kamesennin using the technique. This time, Goku's origins are tied in with the evil Emperor Gurumesu, who wants the Dragon Balls to wish for delicious food, and the Emperor's minions, Pasta and Bongo (these two are using the quest for the Dragon Balls to cover the fact that they are greedily raping the countryside to gather up valuable Richi Stones).
Bulma still wants to wish for a nice boyfriend (Yamcha wants the Dragon Balls to wish for a woman he can marry), and ends up summoning Shenlong before Gurumesu can, but the daughter of the local mayor, Pansy, shouts out her wish first -- for the countryside to be restored to its original state prior to the discovery of Richi Stones. Shenlong does this, and causes the stones to disappear. Gurumesu becomes a normal deformed human that likes to eat apples, and Goku zips off to find the #4 Ball again.

Gurumesu -- A gluttonous monster that NEEDS to eat delicious new food. Becomes a normal person eventually.
Pansy -- A young girl that searches for Kamesennin to ask him to help her village. Disappears from sight after this movie.
Pasta -- A greedy blonde woman who is the co-leader of Gurumesu's army.
Bongo -- A huge, mean man that works closely with Pasta. Both Bongo and Pasta disappear from sight after this movie.
Richi Stone -- "Rich Stone". The most valuable gem on Earth. "Blood Stone" in english.

The Sleeping Princess in the Demon's Castle (Movie 2)

Young Gokou seeks out Kamesennin to ask to be accepted as a student, while the little runt priest, Kuririn, arrives for the same reason (and uses a nude magazine as a bribe.) Kamesennin sends them on a quest far to the east, where "five mountains stand, called the 'Devil's Hand'." In a castle there, is the legendary, and pretty, "Sleeping Princess." Whoever brings back the Sleeping Princess will become the old pervert's student. The two boys set out, and Kuririn uses all the standard tricks to trick Gokou. A little later, Bulma, Oolong, Yamcha, and Puuaru -- who are on summer vacation -- arrive at Kame House to find Gokou. Kamesennin says that the two boys have gone far to the east for training, so the friends fly in Bulma's Capsule jet to the Devil's Hand. When they near the castle, the jet is attacked by demons, and Bulma is taken to the Castle. The owner of the castle, Lucifer, pretends to treat her as a guest, until it becomes time to awake the Sleeping Princess. In the meantime, Gokou and Kuririn are fighting monsters, and they drop in on Bulma just before Shitsuji can drain Bulma of her blood through a giant syringe (Bulma's blood is to be used to toast the awakening of the Sleeping Princess.) Then, Ranchi arrives to steal the Sleeping Princess -- which is really a giant jewel. Everyone is captured and encased in a wall of rock.
It is the night of a full moon, and the moonlight is used to power the jewel. The moonlight also turns Gokou into a were-ape, and everyone escapes. They fight Lucifer, and Gokou uses Kamehameha to destroy Lucifer's Princess-powered laser cannon (the full-moon-light is to be used to destroy the sun, and begin the Reign of Darkness), and kills Lucifer. The heroes escape, and Kuririn acts contrite, but doesn't actually apologize to Gokou for his behavior. The two boys return to Kame House with Kushami, and Kamesennin takes them both on as students. Then, Kushami sneezes, turns into Ranchi, and shoots Kamesennin full of holes.

Sleeping Princess -- A huge, priceless gem that is "awakened" by the light of the Full Moon, and can be used as a power source for a laser cannon.

Dragon Ball: The Great Maka Adventure (Movie 3)

Another retelling of the Dragon Ball story. This time, young Gokou and young Kuririn are training for a Budoukai to be held in the country of Miifan. The Emperor of Miifan, Chao-tzu, is trying to find his lost "Ran Ran." "Duke" Tsuru-sennin stole a Dragon Radar from Pilaf, and is using it to locate the Dragon Balls. Duke Tsuru-sennin and Tao Pie Pie claim that they'll use the wish from Shenlong to locate Ran Ran, but are actually planning, with Tenshinhan's help, to kill Chao-tzu and take over the country. Blue Commander announced that Ran Ran was being held in Tsuru-sennin's room, and was killed by Tao Pie Pie for it. Bora and Upa have located the final Dragon Ball and they take it to Miifan to use it to demand that Miifan's soldiers be forced to leave the land near Karin Tower.
Bora is tricked into entering the Budoukai (the winner of the Budoukai will be granted one wish by Chao-tzu), and is then killed by Tao Pie Pie. Bulma, Oolong, and Ranchi are looking for the other 6 Balls, so Bulma can wish for a boyfriend. But, when the balls are located, they're accidently dropped to the bottom of the moat surrounding Chao-tzu's castle. Tenshinhan realizes that he likes Chao-tzu too much, and doesn't kill his friend; instead, Ten-chan blows away Tsuru-sennin. (The story of Blue and Gokou entering Penguin village is included, but this time it is Tao Pie Pie and Gokou that meet Arale-chan, and Gokou kills Tao Pie Pie with Arale's help.) Gokou throws the final ball into the moat, and asks Shenlong to resurrect Bora.